Saturday, June 11, 2016

Seeking Your Input

What is good about Trump?   What is wrong with Hillary?   Request for Comments

An astute reader commented to me about Elizabeth Warren:

"Elizabeth Warren is a misandrist...plain and simple. She and Hillary wear their misandry as a badge of honor and everyone is afraid to call them on it. Equal treatment of women my a##."       

"Misandrist" means man-hater, the male equivalent of misogynist.    

Washington Post poll.  Non-college white men hate Hillary
A recent poll shows that whites without a college degree support Trump over Hillary 65% to 25%.  More astonishing is the result among non-college educated white males:  76% to 14%. 

Something huge is going on.   Here is the Washington Post/ABC poll:     Click here

Hillary does much better with white women and does well enough with white college educated men.   But with non-college-degreed white men Hillary is toxic.

My previous posts have attempted to tease out the source of Trump's appeal as well as what it is that bothers people about Hillary--especially men.   If it were simply a matter of policy or a question of the emails or other problems then one would expect the results for men and women to be about the same.   There is nothing gendered about the email server, is there?  But the actual preference for or against Hillary Clinton breaks sharply on gender lines.  Women are ok with Hillary; men find something they don't like.

Breitbart (a conservative pro-Trump website) headline
So I am making an RFP: a Request for Posts.   I would like a few of my readers to tell me what they think is happening here.   

What is it about Hillary that is the turnoff?

Is Elizabeth Warren also a man-hater, as one of my readers says?

What is good about Trump?

Send me your comments, please, to     Let me know if you want your name included if I post your observations as a guest post or an extended quotation from them.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like, at this point, the job interview style of the campaign -- she's effectively been hired to run -- developing the vision thing is traditional for candidates who want to fill in the legacy role beyond one or two items (consecutive Democratic wins, first woman in office).

    I do like it that Trump is paying attention to the news cycle -- he's demonstrated he's aware that events sometimes happen without him.



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