Friday, March 11, 2016

Signs of Early Voting in Florida

Early voting is happening now in Florida

Marco Rubio's said he scheduled his rally in Hialeah so that attendees could walk over to the polling place nearby and vote.   Pundits at a RealPolitics event uniformly described it as a grave disappointment with only 200 attendees.   I did not count but it was closer to 300.   In any case it wasn't a lot of people given the size of the venue.

CNN and FOX announcers also commented on the small attendance.

Florida has a reputation for badly run 
elections.   At the RealPolitics forum I inquired of my table of politically active people whether there were long lines with waits of over an hour.  Several people (including a campaign consultant and his assistant plus an unsuccessful candidate for Miami Beach City Council interested in running again all said that wait times were longer than that. )  Early voting and absentee voting is the best way to avoid the lines, each said.

There is apparently a law prohibiting electioneering within 75 feet of a polling place, but it is allowed just beyond that line.   The line is marked with a sign placed at a measured distance.   Here a Cruz supporter has planted himself.   The Bernie Sanders bus was parked in the parking lot just beyond another sign on the opposite side of the polling place entrance.

The car with the bumper sticker belonged to someone at the RealPolitics forum on the campaign.  I don't know the rule about whether the car constitutes "electioneering".



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