Saturday, February 6, 2016

Rubio Stuck on Repeat

My observation on the New Hampshire Republican debate will be familiar by the time anyone reads this.   It is not that I am unoriginal.  It is that the most important thing that happened in the debate is so obvious and important.  So others will observe what I observed.

Rubio has set mini-speeches, beautiful poetic lines that he recites rapidly.  By rote.  Exactly the same way.  He strings together the mini-speeches.   I had estimated that he had an inventory of maybe 40 of these 3-sentence gems.

Rubio got exposed.  My observation, and Christie's accusation, were shown to be exactly right.

Rubio got stuck, like a record on repeat, reciting the same group of sentences three times in a row in a three minute period, nearly word for word.  It was weird.  I asked my wife if she had rewound the TV.  She said we were watching it live.

 Worse for Rubio, Christie pointed out to the alert audience that Rubio was giving his set speech is what was happening.  The audience noticed, but not Rubio.

And the it happen yet again, same mini-speech.  This time the audience groaned.

 Christie had called him the boy in the bubble, a candidate in over his head, delivering memorized lines.  Christie added to the insult by saying the lines were handed to Rubio.  Trump said Rubio is a little boy, Bush was calling him an unready truant flip-flopper.  This all fed the notion that Rubio was an empty shell, a young man in over his head, a little boy parroting memorized lines.

And there it was.  Rubio exposed.

My readers will remember that I gave been saying this all this week and ever since I first saw Rubio live in person in mid November.   Rubio has vocal supporters who will now have to deal with this undeniable videotape.  Trump would double down and say he repeated himself because the things he had to say we're so important they needed repeating.   Let's see how Rubio attempts to fix this.

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