Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Criticism helps Trump because his brand is "Streetfighter"

Bill and Monica
Today's guest post by observer Thad Guyer posits a Trump-Hillary general election that should frighten Democrats:

***Trump will be bashing Bill Clinton for offensive behavior and Hillery's being an anti-feminist enabler of Bill Clinton.   Bill and Hillary had hoped the memory of the Clinton presidency was eight years of tremendous economic growth.   Trump has other plans.  He will attempt to make it about Hillary demeaning the women Bill preyed upon with Hillary's help.

***Trump will be bashing Hillary on Huma Abedin, her loyal assistant.  Human has the twin problem of being an observant Muslim and the wife of Anthony Weiner who is now know primarily for sex text--ripe ground for questions and accusations and sneers.   Trump has already asserted that "of course" Huma tells her creepy disgusting husband Weiner every state secret she knows.

***Trump will bring up questions about Benghazi.  It has been investigated and investigated but there can always be questions and accusations.  Then more questions.  Then accusations that more information should be forthcoming.  

Hillary polls poorly on "trustworthiness".  Representative Kevin McCarthy lost his chance to be Speaker of the House not because he told a lie, but because he told the truth: the purpose of the Benghazi hearings were to raise questions and doubts about Hillary Clinton and it worked well.  He wasn't supposed to say this aloud.  But, still, it worked.  People doubt Hillary.  

This is a grim future for the general election: Hillary needing to explain and distance herself from creepy sex and deny her guilt from Americans dying abroad.   Hillary wants the issues to be about her plans for a better America.  Trump will keep the focus on "distractions".  Questions can always be raised.

Is Huma Abedin the lesbian lover of Hillary?

Hillary's lover?????
Did Hillary intentionally want the four Americans to die because she was on the phone planning a wedding?   

Was the ambassador Hillary's secret lover and did she need to have him killed, like she did Webb Hubble and Vince Foster?

What did she know and when did she know it about Bill and Monica?   Or Paula Jones? 

Does Bill have a distinctive shape to his penis, something Monica could identify?  Was't there some story about that back in 1998 and isn't there a new generation of  people interested in an excuse to discuss the private parts of public officials?

What, really, does Hillary think of Anthony Weiner's photos, and can a real feminist endorse Huma standing by her man?

All these questions are way more interesting than tax policy or arrangements for re-financiang student debt.  Hillary will want to talk about policy.  Trump will not.   Currently Trump is focusing on Republican opponents, but he promised he will return to Hillary later. 

Trump has bashed his way through a dozen Republican opponents:  Perry is stupid;  Carly failed miserably at Lucent and Hewlett Packard; Graham is a zero; Jeb is weak; Christie blocked a bridge; Carson invented his life story;  Rubio is a sweaty little boy; Cruz is a liar.  And all of them are beholden to special interests, except him.

Trump has been attacked by Republicans in several directions, but none of the charges have hurt so far.  Indeed, they have tended to strengthen Trump's brand.

***Bush and Graham (and the polite media from the NY Times to National Review to every TV pundit) called him inappropriate and un-presidential.   This charge has some traction among my well-educated Republican Rotary-type friends, but what critics call unpresidential Trump defines as political correctness.  Trump said the weaklings didn't appreciate plain talk and were defending lies, lack of common sense, and the failed status quo.

***Christie called him a coward for skipping a Fox debate.  Trump said he didn't need Fox, but guys like Christie do, the losers.

***Rubio and Cruz are hitting him from the right, for a history of supporting women's choice on abortion, for smiling at Hillary, for not supporting the Confederate flag, for not being a committed conservative, for not being sufficiently anti-immigrant.  Trump says he is the original spokesman who ignited the whole movement to shake up the liberal status quo, and that they are the latecomers to the party Trump created.

Trump has won the battles and has thrived.   Why?  Trump's brand is to be a street fighter who presumably would do the same against Congress, against liberals, against Mexico and China and Russia.    Fighting helps Trump.

Trump loses in polls that ask whether Trump's values match with yours, but shared values is not Trump's appeal.   Trump's appeal is that he appears to be able to slash through intrenched opposition and do so on behalf of "regular Americans" like themselves.  And toward what end?    

The primary and then general election are a showdown between polite people constrained by rules and forced respect for others and political correctness (establishment Republicans and especially Hillary Clinton) versus people who openly and genuinely want to advocate for virile and unapologetic American interests.  That is why I describe Trump as both a nationalist and a nativist.  Trump opposes open borders and global free trade because those are in the interests of a global community but not necessarily the interests of regular, native born Americans, Trump's team.   Trump positioned himself as a successful bully, unafraid to take on anyone who attempts to constrain America, not the NY Times, not the Pope, not the UN.   Fights are just free advertising for Trump, the more the better.

Alpha president vs Putin

Is it safe for Trump to make sex the centerpiece of his attacks on Hillary.   Yes, unless somebody comes forward with an accusation of something Trump will have trouble denying.  Trump has been rich, single, and gotten around.   There may be something out there.  An accusation of something homosexual would shake things up in the Republican primary because it would threaten his brand.  The Trump brand is that he is an alpha male womanizer.   I don't expect this to happen, because it probably would have by now if it were out there.  But he has lived the high life and the tabloids would love to have a story.

Wife a a real leader
Trump is immune from counterattack when he shames Hillary, Bill, Huma, and Anthony Weiner, and indeed he is helped by the counterattack.    Trump's brand is that he is strong, and virility is another manifestation of that strength.   He has a very young and beautiful ex-model wife, and young child.  Alpha men are highly sexed and they don't apologize for it.  They brag about it.

If Democrats hit back with "What about your womanizing?  What about your young and then younger and then even-younger-yet wives?" Trump's response can be "Darned right!"   


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