Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Trump is Having Fun

It is fun to find myself three days ahead of the cable news people.   They are saying today what I said Saturday.   Trump is having fun and enjoying this campaign.

I am still digesting the Tea Party Convention.   I heard a lot of unhappiness there:

   *The American economy is rotten and getting worse.
   *Obama wants to take your guns.
   *America is humiliated.
   *Healthcare is terrible.
   *Christians are under attack.
   *Immigrants are taking over.
   *ISIS is winning.  So is Russia.  So is China. Aw, heck, everyone!

But Trump was different.   He was having fun and he described an America with spirit.  Candidates worthy and capable of being the dominant alpha male, the guy who people with authoritarian personalities can consent to following cannot be beaten down by circumstances. Trump'sbeing positive is part of the appeal.

I am watching cable news and the story of the moment is that Sarah Palin is endorsing Donald Trump and that Trump is the one and only candidate who genuinely looks like he is having fun.  Trump genuinely likes being out there, the center of attention, rambling and riffing on himself and America.

So that is today's takeaway:   Trump is having fun, and that makes his vision of America's future seem sort of sunny and optimistic and plausible.  And someone can vote for Trump with some hope.   Hope and the potential of change for the better.   (In case we forgot, Hope and Change were the themes of the Obama campaign.)

Frustrated "Hillary"
Hillary is the serious candidate, which is OK.  Being responsible is her brand.   But she is serious in the bad way, too.  A downer.

The single most appealing I have seen Hillary was in that charming Saturday Night Live skit where a SNL actress played the Hillary part and the real Hillary Clinton played the bartender talking to the worn out , frustrated "Hillary" character.

Hillary herself, the real Hillary, was shown exactly what the problem was.  The character playing her looked frustrated and unhappy.   So it's not like the problem and the solution is a secret.  The real Hillary knows the problem.

Watch the segment.  It is funny and superb political commentary:
Hillary counseling "Hillary"

Trump is having fun. And his good humor is one of the assets of his message.  It makes a better future seem possible.

 Hillary isn't having fun, yet, and one result is that Bernie is the candidate that projects the possibility of a better future.

1 comment:

  1. Questions for Up Close

    I am hoping that Up Close can answer one or two of these questions, and I know they seem rambling, but I have learned from Trump that its ok to just go on and on what really matters is if people understand you not whether you sound concise, because we don’t use teleprompters in real life, but we still want to know things, and even Common Core says there are no stupid questions, so are any of these questions is the comfort zone of safe thinking?

    1. Does the 1st Amendment give the press a deadline for declaring undercard and 3 percenter candidates as official losers, or can these candidates stay in as long as they want, and up close do attendees appear to know that they just are “undercards”, second string, or losers?

    2. Why did the Supreme Court go to all the trouble in the Citizens United case to legitimize superpacs if leading candidates like Trump and Sanders don’t need or won’t take the money, and up close at events do attendees seem to have been influenced by superpacs?

    3. Is there a pundit accuracy index (PAI) showing how many high paid columnists in the mainstream media have been wrong about Trump and Sanders not being serious candidates, you know like Five Thirty Eight rates the pollsters who are unreliable, and up close do the attendees seem to have been influenced by pundits?

    4. Is Ted Cruz an “anchor baby” since he was born in Canada, and his father was born in Cuba, as Jeb Bush and Ann Coulter have previously said, and up close do people look at Cruz like he’s an immigrant? (Note: If you Google “Ted Cruz is an anchor baby”, Bush and Coulter’s quotes are on page one results).

    5. The mainstream media says that Trump is an “angry” “hater” who appeals only to whites, but on Youtube Sanders rally audiences seem all white and hoot and holler when he gets angry and hateful to Wall Street and rich capitalists, so up close which of the two men seems more angry and hateful?



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