Monday, January 18, 2016

Live Blog the Tea Party Convention

11:20. Introduction of Ben Carson.   Dr.Carson is a thinker, not a reality TV Show

Carson speaks:

I really didn't want to run for office.    I had planned to retire.   People call me an islamaphobe because I don't want someone who believes in sharia law.   It's just common sense.

If people want to be real Americans and share our civilization if they want to come here.   Otherwise stay there.  (Big applause).   We need to declare war on Islam because they have declared civilizational war on us.

Look at the debt we are accumulating.  Big debt brought disaster to 17th century Spain and 18th century France.   Low interest rates are hurting the middle class and there is no yield in safe bond investments.  It is the asinine policies of the federal government.

Regulations are just taxes.   81,000 new pages of regulations.   To get rid of poverty, get rid of regulations.   The clean air initiative will have no value in lowering the temperature, but will cost billions.

Let's use evidence, like we used to deal with the deaths from complications of dwarfism. Data actually shows what works.  Seven percent no longer die.   Not because I was smarter but because I was humble enough to use the resources around me.   That's what we need in government.  (Big applause)

The first amendment is being trampled upon by the Supreme Court..   We need to rethink lifetime appointments.  We also need term limits.  

If I were trying to destroy America I would create divisions between groups.   And I would raise the debt.   And I would give people free phones and free food.  And I would but the military and fail to help veterans.   And I would fail to protect the electric grid.   "Does that give you an idea of how much trouble we are in?"    The country is in big trouble.

If Democrats "get in there and they get 2 or 3 Supreme Court judges, we are toast."

Question---are you too nice to be president????!(big applause).  A.   You need to be thoughtful, not bombastic.

Question---what is your tax policy?   A.  I want a flat tax.  A graduated taxis socialism.  No tax. On interest.  No death tax.   4.1 million federal employees is way,way too many.   I would tell managers to cutsothepublic isn't hurt.     I have been on the board of Kellogg and Costco and we need to run things like a business.

Question---what rules of engagement?!    I would ask the military what they need and not tie their hands.   Too many of our youth cannot pass the tests to enter the military.

Question---We like you.   A. I am trying to give the public the change they want.   The establishment foes t want someone like me, who they say is like Sarah Palen, who they call a dummy.   She did great things in Alaska.    A lot of people have been beaten down by the secular progressives,but we won't sit down and shut up."

11:00.  Wild Bill For America.  Motivational speaker.   Called out Ames, all getting cheers:  Ben Carson (small cheers), Ted Cruz (bigger cheer), Donald Trump (huge cheer).

Then Paul Ryan---big boos.

When Democrats see immigrants they see voters.  When I see "hoards of immigrants I see dangerous men, who have caused trouble every place they have ever been."

We are one nation under God.  "Under God!!"

10:10. Matt Robbins.  American Majority campaign consultant.

"I'm a conservative, but I'm not in a bad mood about it."

  The art of a successful get out the vote campaign.  Talk about what the voter cares about.   Door to door raises turnout from 44 percent to 53 percent.   It is tedious and hard.   Obama's GOTV was way better than Romney's.

Question:   Can we overcome all the voter fraud??   Yes, if we get a big enough margin.

GOTV best practices
   1. Live face to face conversations.   One extra vote for every 14 contacts.
   2.  Define your goals.
   3.   Keep TV and other media in perspective.    Yard signs don't vote.  They don't influence.  Direct mail does not work for GOTV.   Robocalls have no value.
   4.  Target.   Have current voter info.
   5.  Pay attention to the right metrics.  What really works is face to face meeting, entering real data.
   6. Connect social media to GOTV.    It takes 7 total touches, of which 3 must be face to face, to motivate a voter to vote.
   7.  88% of social media users are registered voters.

10:00. Liz Calloway.  Time to emulate Jesus, not when he turned the other cheek.   Instead, when he went into the Temple and turned over tables and whipped the beasts!!  ( Big Applause)

9:40.  Tom DeWeese.    The Agenda 21.   The UN wants to reduce human energy use, plus reduce human population.   They want controls on the crops people grow, the cars we can use.  "The issue is so vast, so overwhelming, we don't know the direction to react."

Tactic 1:   Take away your elected government.
Tactic 2:   Fund it federally, not locally.

Agenda 21 agenda is a monster!   They want to control our food.   They want universal health care.   They want to control our schools to create "the perfect global village idiot."   They want to take all your property and force you to stack yourself into cities.

They want a "one size fits all formula for all cities."

The Agenda takes away local control, taking away property rights and forcing cities to live in planned communities.   "It is the noose around the neck of our free nation,   It will be tough to change until Obama slithers out of the White House.   We are not helped by the cowards in congress who refuse to do anything to stop him."

"Forget about Congress.  Our fight has to start at home.  Sustainable development cannot be done without theft of your private property rights.  Find out if your City Councils and County Commissioners are being pressured by outsiders."   Change your local government.  "Attend every meeting.  Do not be polite!   It's time to start treating property owners like OWNERS!   Make them feel pain like the cockroaches they are.   Don't go home!"

9:00 a.m.  Ambassador Henry Cooper-- High Frontier

He is speaking of the threat to the American electric grid by an Electro Magnetic Pulse, which would shut down the American power grid.  It would shut down the American economy.  Food would spoil, gasoline would not pump, hospitals will close.  There are delicate computers in your cell phones, your cars, every computer.

The threat is both natural, from the sun, but also an intentional attack from an enemy.

Very small nuclear bombs could create an EMP, and North Korea easily has the capability to make such a device.   The low frequency pulse of an EMP would destroy the transformers that link the long transmission lines.

It would be easy to launch a missile large enough to carry a device capable of making an EMP.  ("Nuclear power is good.   I like nuclear power.   It is clean power if you care about that sort of thing. I don't.")

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