Saturday, January 9, 2016

Guest Blog: Trump the Destroyer

Thad Guyer

Peter Sage Explains

This is a blog about political craftsmanship.  I am attempting to look closely at how politicians are doing their work by getting up close in campaign events.

Thad Guyer is an attorney specializing in whistleblower litigation.   Litigators attempt to strengthen their client's case and weaken the case of their opponents.   Sometimes their work can be brutal, bringing up issues that undermine the credibility and confidence of the opponent.   Everyone who has seen a courtroom drama on TV knows the phrase, "I object.  He is badgering the witness!"   Thad observes Donald Trump closely.  Trump may be the most brutally effective politician in my lifetime, demolishing his Republican opponents with bullying, insults,  indirection, and claims the press consider wild and unfounded but which find a receptive audience.  It is early.   Campaign leadership may change.  But for now Trump deserves close attention for how he does his work.   Here is another of Thad Guyer's descriptions and commentaries on Trump's craft.
                         Peter Sage

Thad Guyer's commentary:

Looking weak
Bush Surrenders Going Down with the SuperPac Ship

When I finished my read of this Up Close post, my vision was cleared, I could see that only Bush genuinely attacked Trump because Bush and his SuperPac have accepted it is over, all hope is lost, go down with the ship. "Bye, bye, low energy guy. Loser!". If you don't go out of your way to attack Trump, he has made clear that he won't go out of his way to attack you. That’s the deal, simple, easy to understand. Lindsey Graham, as he meanders away, takes a few more parting shots, sets the model for Bush, Trump won’t make you crawl, he never let you in the race. Weaklings with pea shooters aiming up from 0%-3%. "Such losers, oh such losers, so low energy, even the SuperPac millions couldn't put any fire in him, and stupid, isn’t stupid really the best word for him?"  

Only Cruz gets the honor of a Trump ad attack, striking at the "Cuban from Canada, is he even a citizen, and do evangelicals come from Cuba, who knows, maybe they do, let the courts decide after 2 or 3 years of litigation whether he's a citizen, maybe he is, who knows, someone will have to decide, is a Cuban born in Canada an America, who knows, let the evangelicals decide on his religion, he is a nice guy, but who really knows if he would stand up to the illegal immigrant invasion, he might, a Cuban Canadian, maybe he would, who knows." 

Trump released his television ad in Iowa three days before he paid a dime to air it. He told Morning Joe that his ad would be played by all the media thousands and thousands of times before he ever paid a dime to air it. The Washington Post, CNN, New York Times, ABC, everybody all of them, played the ad, inserted it in their print articles, denounced it, fact checked it to reveal those were actually Moroccan hordes storming Europe's borders not Hispanics coming across the Rio Grande, headlines "haha, Trump got it wrong, he doesn't know a Mexican from a Muslim, look at his ad, we have it for you in slow motion, look they are Muslims not Mexicans". But two articles down, and day after day, we read that 1,000 Muslim men attacked German women, that tens of thousands of Central Americans are bursting U.S. immigrant detention centers as judges order them released sooner than INS can do anything with them. The fact checkers play and replay the not yet aired Trump ad, the rally footage, their cameras glued to him as he taunts "the media, so dishonest, oh so dishonest, you can't believe how dishonest they are, look at them back there, they won't show you the audience, it doesn't fit their agenda to pan the energetic crowds that are 50/50 men and women, they like to talk about Hillary saying I'm a sexist, did you see that, her husband abused young interns in the White House and in the state house of Arkansas, so disgusting, really so disgusting, and she helped him call all those poor women liars, when we win, oh you will get bored of winning, smart is what we need, and Hillary, she belongs in jail, everyone knows she's a criminal, a liar, she belongs in jail, stupid, so stupid, so low energy, has a rally of 200 people and is so exhausted she has to go sleep for three days and put on a new pant suit, so low energy".

Bye Bye Jeb, you loser, go drink a sweet tea with Lindsey, and those other losers, what were their names, Perry, Jindal, that governor Walker or whatever, I can't remember, but anyway bye bye losers, so low energy, attack Trump and you go down, run your little ads, so stupid, oh so stupid, run your ads. And everyone, most all us love watching Trump, we love watching the losers meander away, we all remember the disgust with Bill and Hillary, we all know Bernie is whatever he is. We all know the media who told us he would be gone by now are stupid, wishful propagandists, we all know Trump is coming for Hillary, oh we all know it, we’re not stupid, we know it.

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