Sunday, December 20, 2015

Trump Being Seduced?

"You're so vain"
Trump has won the Putin primary endorsement.   He is the current leader in the Fiercest Republican sweepstakes.

The "Swift-Boat" formula against John Kerry was simple:  Attack the opponent where he is supposedly the strongest.   So George Bush (who sat out Vietnam in Alabama) criticizes the military service of an opponent who faced enemy fire, won medals for bravery, and got 3 Purple Hearts.   It worked.

Hillary Clinton has an opportunity and it will be interesting to watch if she takes it:   Putin says nice things about Trump.  Trump is gushing with pleasure.

Do we let Chip Kelly (Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach) select the quarterback for the Boston Patriots???   Who is a better practitioner of global misdirection than ex-KGB Vladimir Putin?  Do we really think that he is praising the strongest candidate, or the one he most wants representing the USA?    Trump didn't even realize that US Triad referred to our 3-part nuclear deterrent system.

Hillary Clinton could "swift boat" Trump.   She could attack him where he supposedly is strongest, in supposedly being a good negotiator.   She could say something like this:

  "Donald Trump is so vain and so eager to be popular that he doesn't even know when he is being seduced.   Putin is a negotiator and he is moppng the floor with Donald, who is so pathetic and eager for poll results that he doesn't even realize he is being sweet talked and eating sucker bait.

Donald Trump thinks he's the big dog, but he is still one of 13 and he is losing in Iowa and he is a sucker for a compliment.   Putin is playing you, Donald, wake up!   You're drinking the wine and eating the lobster and Putin is giving you the 'oh, Donald, what nice hair you have', and you are falling for it!  

Putin doesn't want to deal with me, he wants to deal with Donald Trump.  He doesn't want to deal with someone who can pull together European allies, he doesn't want someone who knows the difference between the Iowa and Virginia Class submarines.  He wants the easiest guy in the world to take advantage of:  a guy who wants to feel like a big shot."

She has an opportunity

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis, Peter, as usual. He is pompous, she's reticent. Not a good face-off, for the timid. I think everyone is still waiting for the Donald to blow himself out. Maybe he will if he doesn't succeed in Iowa and New Hampshire, but I think the under-belly of the country he has regrettably exposed will trail along. Can that evil genie be put back in the bottle now that its out?



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