Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Town Hall Setup: A microphone, a wooden stool, water

The setup will be familiar to people who watch stand up comedy.   The comedian stands in a bare unadorned area.  There is a wooden stool, a bottle or two of water.  That's it.

Well, not quite:   Hillary Clinton had a 8 ounce glass, half filled with water.   About two minutes before Hillary came out to speak an aide came out with a water bottle and put additional water in the glass, bringing it up to 3/4.    And Carly Florina had a big podium on the stage, which podium she ignored.  She walked back and forth in front of it for her entire presentation.

I have no deep insight attached to this observation.  There is no greater theme, the wooden stools are not a metaphor for anything special, there is no secret meaning implied in my presenting this observation.   But I was looking through my photos and realized the pattern.  
Carly speaks in front of the podium.   No water

Jeb Bush setup in a VFW Hall
John Kasich setup.   He stands at ease with his feet crossed like this.   
The Wooden stool is hidden behind an audience member's head
Hillary's water glass

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