Friday, November 13, 2015

Ted Cruz is an angry man, with a mission.

Ted Cruz is an angry man, angry about the economic and moral disaster our country is enduring. Angry that heterosexual white Christian males face such prejudice and abuse. Angry that the economy has been tanking in these past seven years compared with the strong and prosperous nation we were enjoying back prior to Obama's inauguration. Angry that Obama is destroying the Constitution, persecuting God fearing Bible believing Christians, and allowing terrorists free reign to do evil, without fear of drone strikes or American military power. But have hope. Cruz offers himself, humbly, as the man who will lead the resurgence of American pride, prosperity, and righteousness.

Ted Cruz sees a very different world than I see.   There was no acknowledgement whatever that the world was in financial chaos when Obama took office, no acknowledgement of the rebound in the real estate market, the stock market, the lack of inflation, the affordable gasoline ($1.99 for regular).   He does not see churches being formed and families worshiping; he sees Christians under relentless attack universally abused and unable to worship.

It is possible that the tone and cadences of his stump speech is familiar to people who attend a certain kind of churches, where preachers invoke the pervasiveness of sin, the wrath of God, and a glorious path to redemption.   I don't attend such a church.  The last time I heard the tone of anger and wrath was from the snippets of sermons I heard given by Reverend Wright in the attacks on Obama from people who inquired how Obama could possibly have attended years of such sermons.  "God DAMN America," Wright said, to the delight of Obama's detractors.   Cruz struck the same tone in denouncing the tyranny and oppression visited upon this fair land by Obama.
This was the only event in this trip that left me uncomfortable, because I am worried about the fervency of his wrath and I am worried that the crowd he drew (about 300 in a small crowded room) was so enthusiastic. He has an audience.   He got great attention.   He got questions that accepted the premise of his speech.   The audience believes America to be in crisis, lost in a moral, economic, and military wilderness, and it needs a savior.  

God has called Ted Cruz to this service.

I was amazed by the pose chosen by Cruz for his campaign poster.  It is shot from below, his chin up, his eyes gazing into the distance.  What hubris, I thought.   I asked my seat mates what they thought and they said it was just perfect.

Ted Cruz speaking.  Regain the promise of America
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