Monday, September 21, 2015

Hospice: Scott Walker succumbs. The election is taking place RIGHT NOW

Hospice Watch.

Wednesday, September 23 was going to be a very busy day for me, and I was going to have to choose between seeing Scott Walker at a Meet-and-Greet or see Lindsey Graham at an Ice Cream Social Meet-and-Greet.  They had scheduled events at the same time in different places.

But I just now read that Walker is dropping out.   Why?  Because his poll numbers were bad, both in New Hampshire and Iowa.

I am an eyewitness to an "election."   No, not the November 16, 2016 election.   The election taking place right now. 

Money raised around the country is spent in New Hampshire, where it counts.   Candidates are falling all over themselves to be here in person in New Hampshire.  A very few people sampled in polls here in the very small state of New Hampshire are the electorate which killed the campaign of Scott Walker.   The fact that Walker was polling at about 1% rather than 8% meant that he couldn't raise money, that Trump could call him a loser, that his campaign lost donors, that his campaign lost hope.  All because of a few people telephoned in New Hampshire and Iowa. 

What happened to Scott Walker is why the New Hampshire airwaves are already full of campaign ads because the election is right now.  Walker lost this "election".

I was hoping to see Scott Walker at his Meet-and-Greet, hear him talk about how he ended university tenure, ended public employee unions, and made voting harder to do to protect against voter fraud.  

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