Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The desperation period: Tuesday part two

Trump calls Harris "mentally impaired."
“Crooked Joe Biden became mentally impaired, Sad. But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way. There’s something wrong with Kamala. And I just don’t know what it is, but there is definitely something missing. And you know what, everybody knows it.”
We have entered a moment of maximum crazy. 

Locally, Curt Ankerberg’s campaign is flailing, making wild accusations in public letters to the Medford City Council. Some Trump-oriented citizens will like Ankerberg's style, but more, I suspect, will consider Ankerberg to be foolish and intemperate. He calls City Council members "bumbling idiots" and worse.

Nationally, Trump sounds rather like Ankerberg. Trump has ramped up from calling Kamala Harris "low-IQ" to saying she has a mental disability. Harris is a college graduate, an attorney, and the debater who is widely acknowledged to have bested Trump by sounding reasonable herself while baiting him into self-defeating rants. Trump looks desperate now in the aftermath of the debate as his language gets cruder. GOP leaders urge him to show some self-discipline, but he cannot help himself.

The crazy is getting higher and higher. 

Trump called his speech "dark." He said we are being invaded by stone-cold killers, dark-skinned foreigners who are nothing like us. He says they will cut your throats when they break into your kitchens. Things are terrible, but he can fix things if he is allowed to take control and be rough, very rough.  

The frantic elevation of this rhetoric reminded me of a moment in the past -- a happier memory.

The end of summer in 1967 did not seem dark to me as I finished up the melon crop before getting onto the airplane to go off to college. A song, "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher and Higher" was recorded in August of 1967, the apogee of the Summer of Love. It was on KYJC and KBOY top-40 radio. The world was full of possibility, and my generation was going to fix what was wrong with everything. There was an up-tempo frantic quality to the song, and more was lifted onto more, and that was lifted onto yet more. But it was okay, because it was love that was getting higher and higher.
Keep my love going, now, higher and higher (lifting me higher and higher, higher)
I said keep on lifting (lifting, lifting, lifting)
Lift me up mama (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting me (lifting me higher and higher, higher)
Higher and higher

This is the second of two short posts today.

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Mike said...
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Mike said...

Trump is a pathological liar who cares about nobody but himself. He’s made no secret of his contempt for facts, women, non-whites, the Constitution and the rule of law. That’s what his supporters love about him. He’s insane, and the fact that almost half the electorate seems to support him is proof that insanity can be contagious.

There was a lot of good music in '67, but the whole Sgt. Pepper album blew me away, not to mention Jimi Hendrix.

Ed Cooper said...

While I agree about the the fact that the Convicted Felons trolley is completely off the rails, I don't know if it's "insanity" or advancing dementia. I do know I don't want him, or even worse J.Deviate Vance anywhere near the White House. Rachel Maddow covered Vance in depth last night, and he is far more frightening than Trump, because while I think he's crazy, he's much smarter than Trump, and his RightWing fever dreams do not bode well for The Republic.

Mc said...

I agree with Ed.
Don Old is dangerous by incompetence.
Vance is dangerous by design.

Mc said...

I've seen some polls that show Americans think Vance is less qualified for VP than was Sarah Palin.

Mike said...

The difference is that Trump is an apocalyptic televangelist that many find inexplicably charismatic, whereas Vance is just another obnoxious, rich whiner.

Ed Cooper said...

Mike, take time to find Maddows show, of September 30 and watch the segment she does on Vance with Video proof, please. Obnoxious rich whiner doesn't come close to describing just how dangerous he is.