Monday, September 30, 2024

Candidate for mayor of Medford: Curt Ankerberg

 "Dumbasses."  "Bumbling Idiots." "Bribed." "You're corrupt trash."

Parental Warning:

   1. This post contains rough language.

   2. This post is relevant primarily to Southern Oregon readers.

Curt Ankerberg is on the ballot for the nonpartisan position of mayor of Medford.

A prior campaign voters pamphlet

Earlier this year he was a candidate for Jackson County commissioner. In previous years he has been a candidate for Oregon State Senate, for the local school board, and for City Council. He is a Republican and a Trump supporter. He nearly won the Republican primary election for state senator in 2018. 

Those prior candidacies may make Ankerberg's name a familiar one, a significant asset for a candidate in local elections. Voter memories may have dimmed on why his name is familiar. Today's post is a reminder. My purpose is to give voters a feel for the kind of mayor Ankerberg would be if elected. 

I quote verbatim a letter Ankerberg sent to the Medford City Council in reference to an upcoming agenda item, the upgrade of a Medford fire station. 

From: Curt Ankerberg 
Date: Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 1:31 PM
Subject: New Fire Station 15
City Council,

I am aware that you are going to vote on constructing a new Fire Station 15 on Roberts Road for $9 million, which will increase taxpayers' taxes, and I'm writing to oppose this deal. It stinks.

How many of you have actually toured this fire station? I live 1/4 mile from this station, and I see it all the time. I just toured it a few weeks ago, and I spoke with the firemen.

I was a CPA for 33 years, and I know more about costs than any of you. I can completely refurbish and update this fire station, and make it modern for approximately $2 million. None of you have any business experience, and you don't know what the hell you are doing. You're a bunch of dumbasses. You've all taken campaign contributions from the firemen's union, and you're beholden to them. They want a shiny, new fire station just like the other fire stations in town. It doesn't need to be done. 

Again, I could completely refurbish this fire station, and make it as functional as the other fire stations, for a fraction of the cost. 

You all on the city council and mayor have all proven to be bumbling idiots on the take, and beholden to the Chamber of Commerce and Builders' Association. Unfortunately, you don't give a damn about the residents, and you continue to raise our taxes on stupid projects. They are a reflection of you and your lack of talents. You think that throwing money at a problem will always solve it.

Further, I saw that you want to give a NO-BID contract to Outlier Construction for the construction of this fire station. Did Outlier bribe you to do a no-bid contract? The owner of Adroit Construction, Bob Mayers, is the father of the owner of Outlier, Rob Mayers. It's more than coincidental that Adroit Construction got no-bid contracts for the police station and three fire stations, and now you're giving his son a no-bid-contract for a fire station. Adroit also just got a no-bid contract to build the County's pandemic center. I'd say that all of you have been bribed. You're corrupt trash. You've destroyed Medford and downtown, and you've raised our taxes numerous times for good old boy projects.  

How many more shitty projects are you going to jam down the taxpayers' throats before you leave office in January? You all had better hope that I don't get elected mayor, because I'm going to clean house of all the corruption in Medford, and you'll get thrown-out with the trash. You all stink, and you've been bought.

Curt Ankerberg
Medford, OR


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Ed Cooper said...

The only point I can actually agree with is the disturbing proclivity of the Jackson County Commissioners and Medford City Council to continue granting no-bid contracts to the Adroit Construction hegemony. As I recall, Adroit was one of the largest Contributors to the Antireform movement opposing any restructuring of County Government. Is this just a coincidence? I dislike coincidences of this nature when so many $Millions of taxpayer dollars are involved.
I'm old enough to remember when this City had a Newspaper which actually reported on smelly cases like this.

Peter C. said...

It's one thing to point out a problem, but Curt always has to resort to name-calling. And accusations of illegal activities, with no proof. Make your point, Curt, and lose the stupid stuff.
I think it would be interesting if he was elected. A real clown show at best. I'm just glad I don't live there.

Anonymous said...

Unclear why Ankerberg thinks the county no-bid the pandemic center, one does not need to dig far to realize that is not accurate

Jennifer V. said...

"No-bid" is a misleading term, but there is definitely a problem with the way projects are awarded. Contractors are required to submit proposals for projects that indicate their experience in the type of work and other criteria, which makes sense. It prevents contractors who are not qualified from getting the project. The problem is that the folks who look over the proposals are not objective. They give more points to their friends. Contractors who submit proposals for these projects are aware of this, but they don't complain for fear it will have a negative impact on their chances to be awarded future projects. The whole process should be reviewed and changed to eliminate favoritism and bias.

Mc said...

Curt, please draw up your plans so Peter can post them and we can have a good laugh.